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보통 6개월이상 저온에서 김치가 숙성되면 신맛은 적고 특유의 발효된 맛이 강한 묵은지가 만들어진다. 여기에 돼지고기 살점을 두툼하게 썰어 넣거나 꽁치, 고등어 등의 생선을 푸짐하게 넣어서 끓이면 밥 한공기를 언제 먹었는지 모르게 만드는 밥도둑이 완성된다. 김치찌개는 동치미나 깍두기, 먹다남은 김치에 된장과 고추장을 풀면 구수한 맛이 나고, 멸치 대신 돼지고기나 돼지갈비를 넣고 끓이면 한겨울 추위를 잊게 하는 영양식이 된다.
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처음부터 물을 붓고 끓이면 기미가 물러 버려 맛이 덜하다. 기름을 조금 넣고 먼저 센불에서 볶는 것이 비법이다. 김치가 부드러워지면 그 때 물을 붓고 불을 줄여서 김치가 푹 무르도록 끓인다. 모자란 간은 소금 대신 김치국물로 해야 국물 맛이 더 깊어진다.
Kimchi jjigae
One of the most beloved lunch menu for Korean office works is kimchi-jjigae. It is a safe choice at any restaurant, never disappoints, and is always served in generous portions. The same is true at home. All you need is sour, fully-ripe kimchi and water. Pork and anchovies are the two most favorite ingredients added to enhance the flavor of kimchi-jjage.
Pork, Anchovies, Tuna, or Mackerel
Along with kimch fried rice, Kimch-jjigae is one of the best ways to use up sour kimchi. Even a small addition of pork, tuna, mackerel or anchovies neutralizes the sourness of kimchi, and tasters unbelievably good with rice. Recently, Mugeunji, or aged Kimch, has been gaining popularity. When Kimch is matured at low temperatures for over six months, it becoms Mugeunji, which is less sour and sports as stronger fermented flavor. Boling Mugeunji with large chunks of pork or a generous portion of mackerel or mackerel pike turns it into a 'rice thief', because the resulting jjigae is so delicious that rice literally seems to disappear in plain sight, Adding soybean paste or Gocujang to Dongchimi(radish water kimch), Kkakdugi(diced radish kimch) or leftover kimchi will intensify the flavor, while adding pork chunks or pork ribs instead of anchovies results in a nutritious and hearty dish suited for winter.
How to Boil a Delicious Pot of Kimhi-jjigae
Boling kimchi in water frome the start leves it soggy, depriving the interesting crunchy texture of the napacabbage. One must first stir-fry the kimchi in a small amount of oil over high heat, add water when the kimchi has turned soft, lower the heat, and then leave it to simmer until the desired consistency. This is the secret behind a rich broth and crunchy kimchi pieces. The Jjigae may be seasoned with fresh kimchi liquid instead of salt for an even more instense flavor
<출처 : 네이버 지식백과, http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=3384839&cid=42701&categoryId=58381>
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