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CR-SCAN Feffet Pro 1.Product Introduction  CR-Scan Ferret Pro is a compact consumer-grade 3D scanner that is small in size, light in weight,and has a maximum accuracy of 0.1mm, It supports Windows, Mac, iPhone iOS, and Android, and isequipped with a wireless bridge to support Wi-Fi 6 real-time wireless imaging. The scanner is equippedwith a self-developed dedicated depth calculation chip, which completes depth cal.. 2024. 7. 8.
CR-Scan Ferret Pro https://youtu.be/imGrla3b3Mo?si=34zLpQnwJdk8klpqhttps://youtu.be/N6Y8g5gS1-I?si=t9zejS_U-BWfOATcmerge 하는방법meshmixer로 불러들인다stl로 내보내기솔리드웍스에서 불러들여 역설계https://meshmixer.com/ https://meshmixer.com/NEWS (September 2021): Fusion now contains many of the great features you've grown to love in Meshmixer, with continual growth and improvements to its capabilities in mesh coming soon. While we have no curr.. 2024. 7. 2.
BAMBU P1S COMBO https://ko.aliexpress.com/item/1005006854184850.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.22f03163WIuUZL&algo_pvid=11ab6dca-1d5d-4198-871a-6828a42f18e0&algo_exp_id=11ab6dca-1d5d-4198-871a-6828a42f18e0-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21KRW%211266822%211266822%21%21%216515.79%216515.79%21%402101150217198148625685727ebab1%2112000038522103229%21sea%21KR%212196587776%21&curPageLogUid=1YoXc0yhehK8&utparam-url=scene%3Asearc.. 2024. 6. 30.
화성 상공회의소 솔리드웍스&3DP 2024 05~ https://feature-life.tistory.com/1366 화성 상공회의소 솔리드웍스&3DP 2024 05~오토캐드의 대안2d cad의 대명사 => GSTARCAD(900000), ZWCAD(1400000), PROGECAD(900000), CADIAN(???) https://feature-life.tistory.com/1155 화성 상공회의소 솔리드웍스&3DP 2023 08~https://feature-life.tistory.com/931 상공회의소feature-life.tistory.com 20240527 1회차 솔리드웍스 기반 설계(초급 수준) + 3d printing(FFF(FDM), DLP) 매주 월, 수 / 수업시간 1시30분 부터 5시 30분까지 솔리드웍스 파트(기계부품 위주) + .. 2024. 5. 26.