SMALL CSWA25 솔리드웍스 인증시험 CSWPA-WD SOLIDWORKS WELDMENTS 솔리드웍스 용접구조물 3D SKETCH, PROFILE작성, 편집 등 할게 많다. 255점에 190점 이상 합격. 나는 255점. 시간을 한시간30분 거의 다 썼다. 어렵다. CSWPA-DT SOLIDWORKS-DRAWING TOOLS 솔리드웍스 도면 파트, 어셈블리의 도면작업 BOM, 설정, 보조투상도 등등등 2021. 2. 9. CSWA-PART-16 Question 01 : Model the part shown in the figures provided. Use the following information. Unit system : MMGS(Millimeter, Gram, Second) Dicimal places : 2 Part origin : Arbitrary(임의) Material : Aluminium 1060 Density : 2700kg/m^3 All holes though all unless shown otherwise-Use the following parameters and equations which correspond to the dimensions labeled in the images A = 64.25 B = 88.50 C = .. 2021. 1. 30. CSWA-PART-15 Question 01 : Model the part shown in the figures provided. Use the following information. Unit system : MMGS(Millimeter, Gram, Second) Dicimal places : 2 Part origin : Arbitrary(임의) Material : Aluminium 1060 Density : 2700kg/m^3 All holes though all unless shown otherwise-Use the following parameters and equations which correspond to the dimensions labeled in the images A = 122.5 B = 15 C = 55 .. 2021. 1. 30. CSWA-PART-14 Question 01 : Model the part shown in the figures provided. Use the following information. Unit system : MMGS(Millimeter, Gram, Second) Dicimal places : 2 Part origin : Arbitrary(임의) Material : Aluminium 1060 Density : 2700kg/m^3 All holes though all unless shown otherwise-Use the following parameters and equations which correspond to the dimensions labeled in the images A = 95 B = 50 C = 52.5 d.. 2021. 1. 30. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 다음